Meet Whitney
Pellon: Where do you find inspiration for your work?
Whitney: I really get inspiration from all over the place. It can come from a vintage print, a commercial, a book, a website, etc. If I’m lacking in inspiration I will google image search a color, mood, or theme and see where that takes me.
P: What does your creative process look like/entail?
W: My creative process usually looks like a big mess! I jot down ideas on the back of papers. Scratch sketches into assorted notebooks. Practice techniques, shapes, and stitches on scrap fabric. Somehow all that will turn into a finished project I’m proud of 🙂
P: Why do you enjoy sewing/quilting/crafting?
W: I like being able to create one-of-a-kind things that I love on a budget!
P: Do you create mainly for satisfaction, gifts, art or another reason?
W: Crafting and sewing allows me to feel a sense of accomplishment. There is no better feeling then being complimented on something and responding with “Thanks, I made it myself!”
P: What tips or tricks learned through experience can you share?
W: The tip I always give new sewers is to never use the nice fabric first! Projects don’t always turn out the first time, so save your favorite fabrics until you are confident enough to use them.
P: When and why did you start sewing/quilting/crafting?
W: I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t sewing and creating! My mom made all my clothes when I was growing up; I would take the fabric scraps and make little things from them. At the end of middle school I got my first sewing machine and started my first quilt. I’ve never stopped sewing and I’ve loved every minute of it!
P: What triggers you to start a project?
W: I create projects for a lot of reasons. I create for myself and my home, for my etsy store, but the majority of the time I create and designs projects for WhitneySews tutorials.
Whitney`s Projects:

Burlap & Blossoms Headband
The Burlap & Blossoms Headband is the perfect accessory for any outfit! It’s fun and easy to make using handmade or store bought flower embellishments.
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Quilted Sunglasses Case
This easy-sew sunglasses case is a perfect summer accessory. It will keep your shades safe while showing off your personal style. Check out the accompanying video tutorial right here.
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