Meet Stephanie
Pellon: Where do you find inspiration for your work?
Stephanie: I hate to use clichés, but I would be lying if I didn’t say everywhere! From my kids’ artwork to a rug in my favorite shop, I love discovering unusual color combinations, textures, and patterns in unlikely places.
P: What does your creative process entail?
S: It’s a really varied process. Some projects pop in my head and must be started immediately, while others begin as a sketch or a few words jotted down on a napkin or a piece of junk mail. That idea gets stuck in a notebook or drawer somewhere, and I’ll go back to it a few times as the idea progresses in my head. Usually it comes to life through fabric – but sometimes it stays in idea form and helps jumpstart a different project.
P: Why do you enjoy sewing/crafting/quilting?
S: As a homeschooling mom of 3 young children, I’m in serious need of a creative outlet most days. It’s really empowering knowing that I can create something that begins as an idea and results in something functional or decorative that my family can use. Teaching others how to find their ability to do the same thing is also very exciting.
P: Do you create mainly for satisfaction, gifts, art or for another reason?
S: I create mainly because I need to – for the satisfaction and enjoyment of making things. That carries over to being able to use those creations as gifts and to also be able to sell a few of the things I make. It’s fun being able to share with friends & customers who appreciate handmade!
P: What tips or tricks learned through experience can you share?
S: I’m learning how important it is to stay true to my vision and my taste. I made the mistake of making things just because I thought they would sell well, and that made creating a chore very quickly. Have patience with yourself, as sewing isn’t something that is picked up overnight. Make sure your seam allowance is accurate, fill several extra bobbins ahead of time, and buy the best tools you can afford.
P: When and why did you start sewing/crafting/quilting?
S: I’ve crafted my whole life, most memorably painting and woodworking with my grandfather throughout my childhood, but I started sewing about 9 years ago. A large group of young married couples gathered every Monday night, and while the guys watched football the girls learned how to sew together. I knew then, sitting at my friend’s dining room table, that I had found my passion!
P: What inspires you to start a project?
S: Many different things. Sometimes I begin a project out of necessity, like the hot pads I just made for our kitchen. Others, like the wall hanging and quilts I’m working on, are created just for the pure enjoyment of making. I love seeing what my sewing friends are working on via Instagram and the blog world, and I’m very often inspired to start a project because of something they’re creating.
Stephanie`s Projects:
Baron von Guano
With a nod to taxidermied animals who tend to be a little spooky, this fun little plush bat will fit right in with your Halloween décor. If you do not want to mount him to a wood plaque, use fishing line and let him fly from your ceiling.
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