Marjory Peck

Marjory was taught to sew by her mother when she was 5. By the time she was 12 she was designing and sewing her own clothing. In the early 1980’s, she started quilting and joined the local quilt guild in Whittier, California. It was the quilt guild her mother, June P. Brennan founded. Her pieced and appliquéd quilts have won numerous local and national awards. Her quilts have been published in Quilt Art Engagement Calendar, Ladies Circle Patchwork Quilts, and Hand Dyed Fabric Made Easy.

In 1992, Marjory took a class in wearable art and says she discovered who she really was! Her clothing features Piecing, manipulation and decorative embellishments. Her wearable art clothing has traveled in the Hoffman Challenge and won awards at the Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza. She has been designing and selling her clothing patterns since 1995.

Marjory began teaching applique at her local shops and guilds in the late 1980’s, and began a pattern line in 1990. Marjory’s passing hobby of fabric doll making never passed, and they came knocking on her door to become real. As usual, she has recently added patterns for a line of dolls with charming , if quirky, personalities.

Marjory has been teaching at quilt shops and guilds in the Southwest as well as in the national format.

For more information about Marjory Peck and her designs visit,