Meet Caren
Pellon: Where do you find inspiration for your work?
Caren: Sometimes fabric speaks to me (like a placid brown cotton with sweet daisies saying, “pick me! I’d make a beautiful horse!”). Ultimately, though, I usually go for what delights my children. Stories that I read them (or they make up), their unending imaginations, questions, and habits are all part of my inspiration.
P: What does your creative process entail?
C: I get mountains of books from the library (other people’s creativity helps fuel mine), and I do a lot of sketching. Honestly, I am a terrible sketch artist, but putting something down on paper helps me to visualize what is in my head. I make my own patterns whenever possible, and my sewing area is always a mildly organized disaster area.
P: What tips or tricks learned through experience can you share?
C: Start small. I am an all-or-nothing kind of person, but there comes a time to be realistic and set yourself up for success (finishing a small project) rather than set yourself up for failure (getting into something that frustrates you so much you never want to do it again). P: What triggers you to start a project? C: I usually have an idea rattling around in my head, but the trigger to actually start it is usually a special occasion (someone’s birthday, holiday, etc.) paired with a block of free time (very unusual, since I have two toddlers and a kindergartener).
Caren`s Projects:
Child’s Art Embroidered Keepsake
Do you have a child in your life that brings you pictures (even if you can’t figure out what they are)? Is your refrigerator cluttered with loving scraps of creativity? This project is a great way to keep children’s artwork fresh and new, and is suitable for hanging in a more permanent place that your refrigerator door!
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